2nd International Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering (MDDE-02), March 24, 2002, Prague http://www.sciences.univ-nantes.fr/info/recherche/sic/djeraba/mdde.htm In conjunction with the VIII International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT-02), Prague, Czech Republic, March 25-27, 2002 http://www.ms.mff.cuni.cz/EDBT2002/ OBJECTIVES This 2nd international Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering is aimed to bring together experts in all aspects of multimedia and document engineering, including experts in databases, documents engineering, digital media content analysis, data mining and domain experts from diverse applied disciplines with potential in multimedia data document engineering. More particularly, the workshop will address the following questions: - What are the problems and the applications addressed by multimedia document engineering? - What are the advanced architectures of multimedia documents? - What are the specific issues raised in knowledge extraction from within documents composed of image, sound and video? - What are suitable representations and formats that can help multimedia document management? - How can we adapt and enhance database technology and existing data mining techniques to multimedia data that are complex (spatial and temporal features) and not structured, in order to support knowledge discovery techniques in multimedia documents? Research and experience papers are solicited in, but not limited to, the following topics: - Models and languages for documents and semi-structured data: Conceptual structures for documents, Semantics modeling, Query languages for Web databases, Content description definition languages, - Data/Document Engineering: Meta-data Management, Interoperability issues, Techniques for integrating heterogeneous data/documents, Semantic retrieval, Query processing and optimization, Mining from semi-structured data, Content-based multimedia indexing and retrieval, Multimedia database management system, Standardization models (MPEG7, MPEG4, SMIL), Data description languages and meta data (XML, RDF, etc.), Knowledge visualization, Knowledge representation and acquisition, Multimedia applications, - Applications in: Digital Libraries, E-commerce, Documents and mobile networks, Co-operative systems, Data Warehouses IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission: December 30, 2001 Notification: January 15, 2002 Camera-ready: February 05, 2002 INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Authors are invited to submit papers (not exceeding 15 pages) by December 30, 2001. Selection will be based on originality and contribution to the field. Manuscripts must be in English, typed in single spaced format in no smaller than 10 point font. Each paper should have an extra cover page with name, title, and address (including e-mail address) of the contact author and an abstract of no more than 200 words. Papers in postscript or PDF format should be sent to: mdde02@irin.univ-nantes.fr All papers will be reviewed by at least three referees for technical merit and content. Papers accepted for presentation will appear in the workshop proceedings, which will be available to delegates at the conference site. It is intended to publish the proceedings, after updating papers on the basis of review remarks, in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. WORKSHOP COMMITTEE CHAIR Chabane Djeraba IRIN, Polytech'Nantes, France MEMBERS Michel Adiba LSR, IMAG, France Marie-Aude Aufaure-Portier INRIA, France Omar Boussaid Lyon 2 University, France Alberto Del Bimbo Florence University, Italy Jianping FAN Charlotte North Carolina University, USA Elena Ferrari Milano University, Italy William Grosky Michigan Dearborn University, USA Manfred Jeusfeld Tilburg University, Netherlands Rob Koenen InterTrust Technologies Corporation, Netherlands Jaroslav Pokorny Charles University, Czech Vaclav Snasel VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Farouk Toumani Blaise Pascal University, France Osmar Zaiane Alberta University, Canada Aidong Zhang Buffalo University, USA