*************************************************************************** * * * AISB'01 CONVENTION * * University of York * * United Kingdom * * March 21st-24th, 2001 * * * * http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/~simonco/conferences/AISB01 * * * * CALL FOR EXTENDED ABSTRACTS AND PAPERS * * * *************************************************************************** (Apologies if you receive this more than once) The AISB'01 Convention will consist of seven specialised symposia held over 3 days at the University of York, United Kingdom. The theme of the convention is 'Agents and Cognition' and there are some symposia on agents, as well as a variety of other topics. Most symposia are currently calling for extended abstracts of up to four sides to be submitted by 21st December 2000, with full papers due on March 1st, 2001. Please see the individual symposia web sites (given below) for further details about their submission procedure. The automated reasoning workshop will require two-side position papers sometime in the New Year, and will not require full papers later on. For more details about the convention, please visit our web site: http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/~simonco/conferences/AISB01 or contact the convention chair: Simon Colton Department of Computer Science University of York Heslington, York. YO10 5DD. UK. +44 1904 432707 simonco@cs.york.ac.uk http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/~simonco The AISB'01 Symposia ==================== -------------------------------------- Eighth Workshop on Automated Reasoning -------------------------------------- Keywords: theorem proving in classical and non-classical logics, equational reasoning, unification, induction, logic programming, functional programming, constraint solving, formal methods for specifying, transforming and verifying systems (in particular safety-critical systems), non-monotonic reasoning, abduction logic-based knowledge representation (in particular description logics). Workshop Chair: Andrei Voronkov, University of Manchester, UK. Further details are available here: http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~frisch/AutoReason/01 ---------------------------------------------------- Symposium on Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems ---------------------------------------------------- Keywords: learning and adaptation in multi-agent systems, evolutionary agents and emergent multi-agent structures, learning from interaction with humans, learning by observation, imitation and cooperation, practical applications of learning agents, agent learning and cognition, distributed learning. Symposium Chairs: Daniel Kudenko and Eduardo Alonso, University of York, UK. Further details are available here: http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~kudenko/aisb01/ -------------------------------------------------- Symposium on AI and Creativity in Arts and Science -------------------------------------------------- Keywords: cognitive musicology and intelligent music systems, computer-based visual art, creative language (especially humour and stories), scientific creativity, methodologies for study and/or simulation of creative behaviour, art works of all kinds whose creation involves computational creativity. Symposium Chair: Geraint Wiggins, City University, UK. Further details are available here: http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~geraint/aisb01/ ------------------------------------------------------- Symposium on Emotion, Cognition and Affective Computing ------------------------------------------------------- Keywords: the use of emotions in human-computer interaction, emotions in computer-mediated communication, emotional models in computing, studying human emotion though computers. Symposium Chair: Colin Johnson, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. Further details are available here: http://www.cs.ukc.ac.uk/people/staff/cgj/research/aisb2001/aisb2001.html ---------------------------------------------- Symposium on Information Agents for E-Commerce ---------------------------------------------- Keywords: adaptivity/personalisation, architectures, auctions, data mining, document management, economics, information integration, information trading, information dissemination, negotiation, supply chain, trust, privacy and security issues, user interface design issues, visualisation issues, practical applications. Symposium Chairs: Michael Schroeder and Kostas Stathis, City University, UK. Further details are available here: http://lima.soi.city.ac.uk/aisb/cfp.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------ Symposium on Nonconscious Intelligence: From Natural To Artificial ------------------------------------------------------------------ Keywords: implicit learning in humans and artificial agents, nonconscious information processing, implicit versus explicit learning, computational models of implicit learning, AI systems with nonconscious processing capabilities, social aspects of nonconscious information processing, nonconscious cognition in multi-agent societies, implicit negotiation, nonconscious facets of representation and inference, nonconscious facets of natural language understanding. Symposium Chairs: Axel Cleeremans, Free University of Bruxelles, Belgium. Pawel Lewicki, University of Tulsa, USA. Further details are available here: http://www.stormpages.com/felix/call_for_papers.html ----------------------------------------------------- Symposium on Software Mobility and Adaptive Behaviour ----------------------------------------------------- Keywords: software mobility in evolutionary and self-organising systems, ants, mobile agents and mobile code, active networks. Symposium Chair: Luc Moreau, University of Southampton, UK. Further details are available here: http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~lavm/aisb/cfp.html