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YALE: Yet Another Learning Environment

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Yet Another Learning Environment

(not yet available)

b D, Y

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Linux, Solaris, probably almost any operating system with Java Runtime Environment

free, open source/GNU GPL



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YALE is a flexible and modular environment for machine learning experiments and applications. The experimental setup can be easily described in a configuration file in a simple XML format and may consist of arbitrarily nested machine learning and data pre-processing operators and operator chains. Among others, YALE offers operators for:

* machine learning algorithms for classification, regression, and
clustering including wrappers for a number of external machine learning
programs like support vector machines (SVM^light, mySVM), the decision
tree inducer C4.5, and all learners and clusterers offered by WEKA;

* feature selection and generation: forward selection, backward elimination,
and several genetic algorithms;

* performance evaluation: cross-validation and other evaluation schemes,
several performance criteria for classification and regression, operators
for parameter optimization in enclosed operators or operator chains, and
operators for logging and presenting results;

* in- and output: flexible operators for data in- and output, support of
flexible experimental (re)arrangements, usage of (optional) meta
information on data.

YALE provides an easy to use extension mechanism that makes it possible to integrate new operators and adapt YALE to your personal requirements. Since YALE is entirely written in Java, it runs on any major platform/operating system. YALE is a freely available open source software under the terms of the GNU General Public Licencse. You are weclome to use it!



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  1. Klinkenberg, Ralf
  2. Mierswa, Ingo
  1. Universität Dortmund, Dept. of CS, LS VIII





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