This is the first announcement of the AIO course organized by SNN Nijmegen and SNN Amsterdam. Advanced Issues in Neurocomputing INTENSIVE, 4-DAYS COURSE WITH COMPUTERPRACTICAL 2 t/m 5 April 2001 ADVANCED ISSUES IN NEUROCOMPUTING Description: A recent development in neurocomputing is the description of learning and reasoning in terms of probabilistic models. A similar development can also be seen in artificial intelligence (`Uncertainty in AI') and in Bayesian statistics. The probabilistic approach now allows us to combine adaptive methods with expert knowledge in a robust manner, and to quantify the reliability of the model. The course presents a number of new computer science methods for data analysis (modelling, classification, data-mining) based on probabilistic models. The subjects to be treated are grouped around ``graphical models'' and ``mixture models''. In a graphical model variables are represented by knots, and their dependencies are represented by connections in a graph. An example hereof is a Bayesian network: a directed graph, which defines a multidimensional probability density function. So called ``mixture models'' also present a representation of a multidimensional probability density function, yet in a different way, i.e. in the form of a mixture of multivariate normal distributions. The program is organised by the research school ASCI, in co-operation with the Foundation for Neural Networks. The course comprises a number of tutorials and an illustration of the subject matter by means of a computer workshop. The course is aimed at PhD students with a sufficient knowledge of the field of neural networks or statistical pattern recognition. Other interested parties may, for a modest fee, join the course or a part of it. Some of the aspects of the content of this course will be the same as two years ago. The computer practical will be completely revised. TEMPORARY PROGRAMM Monday 2 April: Nijmegen 09.30 Coffee 09.45-12.30 Bert Kappen and Wim Wiegerinck: SNN Introduction to graphical models and Bayesian statistics 12.30-13.30 Lunch 13.30-16.00 Computer practical Tuesday 3 April: Nijmegen Coffee 09.45-12.30 Tom Heskes (SNN): Confidence estimation for neural networks 12.30-13.30 Lunch 13.30-16.00 Computer practical Wednesday 4 April Free for own exercise Thursday 5 April: Amsterdam 09.30 Coffee 9.45-12.30 Ben Kröse: UvA Introduction to mixture modelling Nikos Vlassis: UvA Greedy mixture learning 12.30-13.30 Lunch 13.30-16.00 Computer practical Friday 6 April: Amsterdam 09.30 Coffee 09.45-12.30 Nikos Vlassis: UvA: Linear feature extraction 12.30-13.30 Lunch 13.30-15.00 Computer practical (Computer-assisted instruction) REGISTRATION FORM Name:............................Init.:.......Tit:.......... Institute:.................................................... Department:................................................ Address:.................................................... Postcode:...............Place:............................. Telnr:....................Faxnr:............................ Email:....................................................... Remarks:................................................... .............................................................. .............................................................. Date:....................................................... O PhD-students (no charge) O Other university employee (dfl. 200,-) Industry per day(s) (dfl. 500,- per day) O Monday O Tuesday O Wednesday O Friday O Industry - complete course (dfl. 1.500,-) Signature: During the course, coffee and tea will be provided. The local cafeteria will be available for lunch (not included). For further information: Ben Kröse Email: Phone: 020 525 7461 Registration: SNN, Foundation for Neural Networks KUN, MBFYS, 231 Annet Wanders Geert Grooteplein 21 6525 EZ Nijmegen Fax: 024 354 1435 Phone 024.361 42 45 Email: -- Mailaddress: Foundation for Neural Networks (SNN) SNN, - 231 Geert Grooteplein 21 Tel: +31 243614245 6525 EZ Nijmegen Fax: +31 243541435 The Netherlands 0r: SNN, 231 PO Box: 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen