FIRST CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Two Masterclasses in Maastricht In the week of BNAIC 99 SIKS organizes two masterclasses in Maastricht, on November 1 and 2. Both masterclasses will be given in English and are part of the Educational Program for SIKS-Ph.D. Students. (See appendix 1) Although they are primarily intended for SIKS-Ph.D. Students, other participants are not excluded. However, their number of passes will be restricted and depends on the number of students taking the class. "Heuristic Search: Tools of the Trade" Monday November 1. 14.00 - 17.00 hrs by Jonathan Schaeffer (University of Alberta) "An overview of Machine Learning" Thuesday November 2. 9.30 - 12.00 hrs by Tom Mitchell (Carnegie Mellon University) Participants will not be billed, but an early registration is required. If you are interested in taking the masterclasses, please inform the Office of SIKS, before October 23 and preferably by e-mail: or, if so desired, by telephone. Please contact Richard Starmans (030-2534083) for further questions. ****************************************************************** Jonathan Schaeffer Heuristic Search: Tools of the Trade Search is an integral part of most Artificial Intelligence systems. There are a myriad of search algorithms, each applicable for a (possibly small) class of applications. Usually, the algorithm choice is easy; it is determined by properties of the application. Most of the effort in developing high-performance search engines is in the enhancements to the search algorithm. An appropriate set of enhancements can reduce a search tree size by many orders of magnitude. Most AI textbooks concentrate on the different search algorithms and fail to give much attention to the algorithm enhancements. This talk will concentrate on the enhancements, with only minor attention to the search algorithms. If one studies the development of a high performance search engine, one finds that typically 1% of the effort goes into the choice and implementation of an appropriate search algorithm; 99% goes towards the selection, implementation and tuning of the enhancements. This talk discusses search algorithm enhancements that have benefits across a wide range of search algorithms. Tom M. Mitchell An Overview of Machine Learning Machine Learning is a field of computer science that is concerned with the question "how can we design computer programs that automatically improve through experience?" This class will survey a number of the key algorithms in machine learning, the theory underlying these, and applications to problems such as learning to predict medical outcomes, learning to recognize faces, and learning to classify web pages. Copies of lecture slides are available at Appendix 1 Both masterclasses are part of the so-called "advanced components stage" of SIKS's educational program. SIKS offers a four-year Ph.D.-program which intends to provide students with broad basic knowledge as well as specialized advanced training. In order to reach these aims, the school has developed a pyramid model, that comprises five stages: homogenization, the basic course program, advanced components, general research skills and independent research. The homogenization stage is especially intended to raise the knowledge of beginning SIKS-students to a common level. This can be achieved by independent study or by taking undergraduate courses at some department or faculty in the Netherlands. It should not exceed a period of 4 weeks in the first year of the appointment. The goal of the Basic Course Program, the second stage of the educational program, is to bring the student's general knowledge of the field of Information and Knowledge Systems to an international level. The core of the program is a two-yearly cycle of basic courses, that cover important paradigms, topics and trends in the beforementioned field. Unlike the courses that can be taken in the homogenization stage, the basic courses are entirely developed by SIKS-staff members and they primarily focus on the Ph.D-students of the school. The basic courses are an obligatory part of the education and supervision plan of each SIKS- Ph.D. student. They are supposed to take at least 6 out of 8 courses. The beforementioned masterclasses on heuristic search and machine learning belong to the third stage of the program. This "advanced components stage" comprises divergent activities and miscellaneous subjects. The main aim is to support students' research and allow them to gain in-depth knowledge on a particular field. The activities of this third stage can be courses or masterclasses, but also participation in reading groups or seminars.