---------------------------------------------------- | | | IWANN'2001 | | | | 6th INTERNATIONAL WORK-CONFERENCE ON | | ARTIFICIAL AND NATURAL | | NEURAL NETWORKS | | | | Granada, Spain June 13-15 , 2001 | | | | Special session on | | Knowledge Discovery by Neural Networks | | | ---------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS Call for submission of papers to a special session at IWANN2001 on "Knowledge Discovery by Neural Networks". Organized by Dr. Amparo Alonso and Dr. Bertha Guijarro from the University of A Coruña. Knowledge discovery, as defined by Frawley et al., consists on "the non-trivial extraction from data of explicit, unknown and potentially useful information". This is a rapidly growing field with successful applications in many different areas such as financial forecasting, credit risk analysis or medical diagnosis support. Among some others techniques ANNs has proven to be adequate for this purpose given their capacity for pattern recognition and classification. The aim of this special session is to present the up to date state of ANNs as an underlying technology of knowledge discovery. Both theoretical and application papers are welcome Instruction for authors and further information about the workshop is available on the IWANN'2001 homepage at http://iwann.dia.uned.es/ Please, sent the contributions to the address specified in the call for papers making mention to the title of this session on an accompanying letter. Also, send the session's organisers an e-mail to inform about your submission. All contributions will be submitted to a review process. Deadlines --------- Submission February 28, 2001 Acceptance notification and start of inscription March 31, 2001 End of reduction fee for early inscription April 30, 2001 Congress date June 13-15, 2001 Contacts -------- Session Organisers: Amparo Alonso-Betanzos Departamento de Computación Universidad de A Coruña Campus de Elviña, s/n 15071 A Coruña. Spain e-mail: ciamparo@udc.es Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas Departamento de Computación Universidad de A Coruña Campus de Elviña, s/n 15071 A Coruña. Spain e-mail: cibertha@udc.es