************************************************** "Last Call for papers below ************************************************** ISAS 2001 - International Symposium on Adaptive Systems "Evolutionary Computation and Probabilistic Graphical Models" Hotel Palco and Havana Convention Center, Cuba March 19-23, 2001 1- Special one day session on Adaptation and Bioinformatics. 2- Call for tutorials and/or large key talks (1 - 1.5 hours) 3- Extension of the deadline until January 15. 1- Extension of deadline. The Organizing Committee of ISAS 2001 has decided to extend the deadline for presentation of papers until January 15. Please visit our web page for details. (http://isas2001.tripod.com/symp) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2- One day Special Session on Adaptation and Bioinformatics. The ISAS 2001 conference will explore recent issues on the convergence of Adaptive Systems and Bioinformatics.The aim of the session is the discussion of works in this new field of research and applications. Contributions will be welcomed that address the cross-fertilization between the fields of Artificial Adaptive Systems, and the research on molecular biology, genetics, neural systems, population dynamics and in general nature inspired research. The works will be published in the ISAS2001 conference's proceedings. We also call for presentation of tutorials or large key talks in this field. At this moment we already have the following tutorials: 1- Prospect and problems in Bioinformatics Selfish is not enough a model of organism is missing. Dr. Heinz Muehlenbein. (Germany). 2- Spiking Neural Models (to be confirmed). Dr. Hans Bothe (Denmark) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Call for Tutorials and/or large talks. The organizing committee of ISAS2001 call for the presentation of tutorials and/or large talks (1 - 1.5 hours) in anyone of the topics of the conference (see isas2001.tripod.com/symp). We already have the following talks: 1-Future Trends of Evolutionary Computing Dr. Heinz Muehlenbein. National Research Center for Information Technology (Germany) 2- Numerical Tight Bounds for Continuous Functions Over Polyhedron Domains: A Tutorial Dr. Hossein Arsham, University of Baltimore (USA) 3- Evolutionary Design of Hybrid Systems - Reviews and Prospects for Industrial Applications. Dr. Ajith Abraham. Monash University. (Australia) 4- Optimization and Machine Learning with Estimation Distribution Algorithnms Dr. Pedro Larrannaga. University of the Basque Country. (Spain) The deadline for presentation of tutorials is January 10. Speakers can present a written version of their talks for publication in the proceedings. (although it is not mandatory). They should use the same format of regular papers, but a maximum of 15 pages is allowed. For further information please contact: ISAS 2001 URL: http://isas2001.tripod.com/symp http://www.members.tripod.com/~isas2001/symp/ Dr. Alberto Ochoa Rodríguez Institute of Cybernetics, Mathematics and Physics (ICIMAF). Center of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. Calle 15 No. 551 e/ C y D. CP. 10400. La Habana. Cuba. Fax: 537-333373 Phone: 537-327764 aa8ar@yahoo.com ochoa@cidet.icmf.inf.cu ************************************************************ LAST CALL FOR PAPERS ISAS 2001 International Symposium on Adaptive Systems "Evolutionary Computation and Probabilistic Graphical Models" Hotel Palco and Havana Convention Center, Cuba March 19-23, 2001 ( http://isas2001.tripod.com/symp ) Deadline: December 8, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------- The following information has been added to the web page. 1) First tentative schedule 2) Important notes for United States Citizens and Residents 3) Information on special rates in the conference hotels ------------------------------------------------------ ISAS 2001 will be held in Havana in the period 19-23 March 2001 in the context of the International Conference CIMAF 2001. The major themes of the symposium are evolutionary computation or hybrid evolutionary approaches, and bayesian learning or learning in graphical models. ---------------------------------- - Scientific Programme Our main purpose is to bring together researchers, coming from different communities, who share the common feature of being involved in using the dependence structure of a complex statistical model in some aspect of evolutionary computation and other modern heuristic or soft-computing techniques. Cross-fertilization between graphical model research and different soft-computing approaches, such as genetic algorithms and other evolutionary algorithms, as well as neural network learning, reinforcement learning, decision tree learning, etc, will be strongly encouraged by the conference. However, the topics of interest to this conference include but are not limited to the following: - Genetic algorithms - Learning Bayesian Models from data. - Genetic programming - Mixture of Models. - Classifier systems, evolutionary learning. - Dynamic Bayesian Networks. - Evolutionary optimization. - Gaussian Graphical Models. - Constraint, global and multiobjective optimization - Model selection. - Evolutionary strategies - Monte Carlo methods. - Graphical Models and Evolutionary Computation. - Junction tree algorithms. - Graphical Models and Neural Networks. - Simulation in Graphical Models. - Reinforcement learning. - Theoretical Foundations of G. Models - Bayesian and Evolutionary Data Mining. - Stochastic algorithms - Other soft-computing heuristics. - Models with latent variables - Stochastic Dynamical Systems. - G. Models in Game Theory - Theoretical Foundations of EC ------------------------------------------------------ - Symposium chair Dr. Alberto Ochoa Rodríguez, Cuba - Technical Chairs Heinz Muehlenbein, Germany Tom English, USA Pedro Larrañaga, Spain ------------------------------------------- - Publication of papers Conference proceedings will be published and be available for the delegates at the conference in printed form. In addition the authors of the best submissions will be invited to expand and refine their papers for possible publication in one leading international journal. The working language is English. ------------------------------------- - Important dates: December 8, 2000 -- > Deadline for submission of papers (<=8 pages) January 19, 2001 -- > Notification of acceptance Febraury 1, 2001 --> Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted papers and registration of at least one author March 19-23, 2001 --> Conference --------------------------------------------- For further information please contact: ISAS 2001 URL: http://isas2001.tripod.com/symp http://www.members.tripod.com/~isas2001/symp/ Dr. Alberto Ochoa Rodríguez Institute of Cybernetics, Mathematics and Physics (ICIMAF). Center of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. Calle 15 No. 551 e/ C y D. CP. 10400. La Habana. Cuba. Fax: 537-333373 Phone: 537-327764 aa8ar@yahoo.com ochoa@cidet.icmf.inf.cu