------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS Workshop on Support Vector Machines - IJCAI '99 2 August, 1999 Stockholm, Sweden http://www.dcs.rhbnc.ac.uk/clrc/ijcai/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the past few years, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have become an increasingly popular subject for theoretical study in a nature of learning theory, and as a practical classification, regression, and general learning method. In the last twelve months this was particularly noticeable both from the number of researchers working on the subject and the number of submissions of Support Vector (and related work) to international conferences. This workshop will represent an opportunity for the community to debate current research and future directions. The workshop will encourage collaboration between interested parties, and provide an environment which achieves the following goals: * To attain an overview of recent work in the field of Support Vector machines including theory and applications. * To explore connections with other methods. * To identify directions and stimulate future research in the field of learning. It is our aim that the discussion among workshop participants will be focussed on the following areas : * Theory of the Support Vector Method * Algorithms * Experiments on Benchmark Data Sets * Applications to real life problems In particular, we expect active discussions about * Mathematical foundations of the SV approach (such as optimisation theory). * Performance bounds. * Kernels - including spline kernels, ANOVA kernels, etc. * Regularisation. * Transduction. * Applications to text categorisation (especially in connection with the Internet), medical diagnosis, face recognition, etc. The invited speakers include : Vladimir Vapnik Alexei Chervonenkis IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline 26 March 1999 Notification of acceptance 30 April 1999 Camera ready copy 24 May 1999 Workshop 2 August 1999 SUBMISSION PROCEDURE Papers should be no longer than 5 pages, and must be submitted in the IJCAI format. Papers must be in a postscript format and can be submitted through the web page for an oral and/or poster presentation. The URL (which has more information on it) for this call for papers is : http://www.dcs.rhbnc.ac.uk/clrc/ijcai/ For more details about ICJAI '99 look at : http://www.dsv.su.se/ijcai-99/