The Sixteenth IFIP World Computer Congress will include the following international conference of particular interest to the Knowledge Acquisition community: INTELLIGENT INFORMATION PROCESSING: IIP'2000 21-24 August, 2000 Beijing, China The conference, created by the IFIP Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence (TC12), is a forum for international scientific exchange, promotion of interdisciplinary work, and presentation of leading-edge applications in selected areas of Intelligent Information Processing. As one of the federated conferences of WCC2000, the conference will comprise three tracks: (1) Intelligent Information Management, (2) Knowledge-Based System Architecture, and (3) Distributed Intelligence. Please see the WCC'2000 Web pages ( and follow the link to "Call for Papers" and to "IIP2000" to read about the three tracks and their respective topics of interest. The Web pages also provide the complete list of program-committee members for the three tracks of IIP'2000. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: All papers submitted must be original, unpublished, and not submitted to other journals or conferences concurrently for consideration of publication. Papers must be written in English with a length of around 14 pages (A4 or Letter size), including figures, tables, and references. Text should be typed in 12-point Times-Roman font with a line spacing of 1.5 lines (18 points) or larger. Each paper should have a title page that include the name and complete coordinates (postal address, email, phone and fax) of all authors. Authors must first submit their paper's title page (including author name, address, paper's title and abstract) electronically to the contact person in Beijing (email: by January 5, 2000. Authors should then identify the track of their papers (Track 1, 2, or 3) and submit four clearly printed copies of their full papers to the Track Program Co-chair responsible for the track (listed below) for review by January 10, 2000. Each submission must have a cover letter indicating that at least one author of the paper will attend the conference and present the paper if it is accepted. TRACK 1: INTELLIGENT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Boi FALTINGS LIA(DI), EPFL IN-Ecublens CH-1015 Lausanne Switzerland Fax: +41-21-693-5225 E-mail: TRACK 2: KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Mark A. MUSEN Stanford Medical Informatics 251 Campus Drive, Suite X-215 Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-5479 USA Phone: +1 (650) 725-3390 Fax: +1 (650) 725-7944 E-mail: musen@SMI.Stanford.EDU TRACK 3: DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE SHI Zhongzhi Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100080, China Tel. (+86)-10-6256-5533 ext. 5688 Fax: (+86)-10-6256-7724 E-mail: or All submitted papers will be fully refereed. Notification of receipt will be sent to the first author (or designated author) electronically soon after receipt. All other correspondence will be sent to the first author unless otherwise indicated. Neither electronic nor fax submissions of the full paper are acceptable.