Call for Papers The 13th International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-2000) Hotel Royal Plaza, Walt Disney World Village, Orlando, FL May 22-25, 2000 The Thirteenth International FLAIRS Conference seeks high-quality paper submissions in all areas of AI, including artificial neural networks, autonomous agents, case-based reasoning, computer vision, data mining, education, expert systems, genetic algorithms, intelligent user interfaces, intelligent tutoring, knowledge representation and management, learning, logic, multi-agent systems, natural language processing, planning, uncertainty reasoning, robotics, speech recognition, temporal reasoning, and verification/validation. Conference Proceedings Papers will be refereed. All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by AAAI Press. Select papers will receive best-paper awards. Authors may be invited to submit a revised copy of their paper to a special issue of an international AI journal. Paper Submissions Interested authors must submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript of no more than 5 pages (3400 words) by October 21, 1999. All submissions must be original work. For more information see