EWLR-8 8th European Workshop on Learning Robots to be held at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland Saturday 18th September Travel Grants Available for MLNet Members We are please to announce that 5 travel grants for members of MLNet are available to attend EWLR-8. Each travel grant will cover basic travel costs and also subsistence to a maximum of 400 ECU. EWLR-8 is the principal European venue for presentation of work on Robot Learning. Details of the workshop, including a programme of speakers can be found at http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~jlw/ewlr/ Applications should be sent to Jeremy Wyatt (jlw@cs.bham.ac.uk) or Maarten van Someren (maarten@swi.psy.uva.nl), by 23rd July 1999. A condition of the grant is that a report is sent to MLNet describing recent developments and prospects in robot learning as discussed at the workshop. It envisaged that this report will be written collaboratively with the Workshop Organizers.