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PhD Studentship

Centre for Bioengineering Department of Engineering University of Leicester

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PhD Studentship

b D, Y

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Working area/topic



Biologically Inspired Robotics


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Centre for Bioengineering
Department of Engineering
University of Leicester


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United Kingdom

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A postgraduate researcher is required for an EC-funded project available immediately. The project concerns the development of neuronal models to control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) robot to perform stereotypical moth-like chemotaxis (chemical search) behaviour. The project will develop biologically-inspired sensor, information processing and control systems for a chemosensing UAV. The cUAV will identify and track volatile compounds of different chemical composition in outdoor environments. Its olfactory andsensor-motor systems are to be inspired by the moth, which will be supported by computational neuroscience model development. This development continues our research in artificial and biological olfaction, sensory processing and analysis, neuronal models of learning, real time behaviour control and robotics. Further details of this project and the research teams can be found at

The project includes significant funding and opportunities for travel within Europe to visit the laboratories of the participating consortia (In Switzerland, France and Sweden) and outside Europe to attend international scientific meetings. Applicants should have a strong analytical background, a keen interest in neuroscience, and a good honours degree (At the 2(i) level or higher) in engineering, mathematics or physics. The student will be responsible for development of the experimental set-up for assessing chemical search strategies applied to robotics within unsteady luminar/turbulent flow - which will improve programming, simulation/ numerical and electronics development. Applicants should have a demonstrated interest in one or more of the following; neuroscience, robotics and/or artificial intelligence. Some experience of fluid dynamics would be an advantage. Good team skills are essential.

The studentship includes a stipend of £12,000 per year for 3 years and includes full provision for academic fees. Both EU and non-EU nationals may apply.

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Contact address


Mr John Harrison
EU Project Assistant
Department of Engineering
University of Leicester
United Kingdom

Tel No - +44 116 252 5384

Email - [email protected]


Application deadline


b D, Y




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